Europe-China Research Network (ECR)
Professor Monod, Ph.D., May 30th 2022

ECR Global Supervision Workshop
The ECR Global Supervision workshop is designed to help UCMT doctoral students to write their dissertation. The outcomes of this includes a research project complying with the doctoral dissertation requirements. In this course, doctoral students will practice the following skills, making them able:
To formulate a problem statement;
To identify a research question;
To conduct a literature review;
To write a theoretical framework;
To create an interview instrument;
To write an interview result;
To develop a data coding;
To write a data analysis;
To develop a discussion in light of the theoretical framework;
To write a conclusion aligned with the theory.
ECR Publication Workshop
The objective of this workshop is to learn how to submit papers to international academic conferences or to international academic journals. The first series of workshops will first focus on submitting papers to international academic conferences in the USA and Europe. These conferences include the Academy of Management (AOM) annual meeting (conference) 2023 (AOM 2023 Boston, USA), the Americas Conference in Information Systems (AMCIS) and the Italian Conference in Information Systems (ITAIS). As most of these conferences are held on a hybrid mode, doctoral students will have the option to present their online papers from China upon acceptance, such as this year in August 2022 at for AOM Seattle.
ECR Europe-China Conference
The ECR Europe-China conference is devoted to promoting a dialogue between managers from companies and institutions and academics. The first objective is to give a voice to companies and institutions in order to understand contemporary business problems. The second objective is to compare different management tools, management methods and management theories that might be relevant to understand business problems, and eventually to suggest directions to solve them. The third objective is to promote exchange of experiences and practical knowledge from managers to managers. The academic act as discussants for helping to rewords these business problems and the comparison of the respective relevance of management tools, methods and theories.